Apr 10

N900 Unboxing

Nokia N900The by-now-traditional thing to do when you get a relatively new piece of kit like the N900 is to do an unboxing post. Granted, Engadget have done the ultimate N900 unboxing and since this wasn’t a special developer edition I can’t even get close, but that’s no excuse not to do an unboxing post anyways!

First off, kudos again to DHL for having the common sense to chuck the parcel on the ferry rather than sit back and let stuff pile up while they wait for Iceland to stop erupting:

N900 Unboxing 1

N900 Unboxing 1 - The DHL packet arrives, Icelandic volcanoes be damned!

A bit of ripping and tearing later (well, it had sat on my office desk taunting me all day long)…

N900 Unboxing 2

N900 Unboxing 2 - The Box!

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