Sep 12

WTF phone calls


ffs can’t I get any work done… “Hello?”

“Yes, hello?”

ah wtf is this… “Hello, who is this?”
-“Ah, hello, this is K from Three, how are you?”
“I’m fine, what’s up?”
-“I’m calling from Three and I just need to confirm your security details please, what is your date of birth?”

“Excuse me?”

-“What is your date of birth?”

You’re kidding me… “K, just repeat that to me, would you please?”

-sounding fustrated now “I’m calling from Three. I just need to verify your identity. Could you confirm your security details please, what is your date of birth?”

“K, you’ve called me on my personal phone, and you want me to give you *my* security details? Does that not sound like a really dumb idea to you?”

-“It’s just to verify your identity sir”

How did I wake up in a standup routine? “Thank you K, but I’m not going to be doing that today”

-“I can’t continue with this call then sir”

oh, the loss… “Grand, bye”

Who thinks this is a sane way to try to contact customers?