Oct 16

Smaller bites

So, take two. After the mess of the first board, I’m going to try this a different way. I started by surface planing the next board just to clean it up, and then marking out the slats with the slat template before resawing it:


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Sep 16

Low yields

Well, poop.

The idea was, take a 30″ long, 8″ wide, 1″ thick board of ash, and resaw it into eight 30″x1¾”x⅜” slats.


But I made such a bad job of the resawing that three of the slats aren’t usable (they’re way too thin thanks to the disston saw wandering), one is marginal, and of the four I can use, two have a small (around an inch in size) spot where they drop below the ⅜” mark.

Bah. At least I can use the three write-offs for testing finishes and the like.


Four down, 16 to go…

Sep 16

The united church of hand tools?



That was just a wee bit more shrine-y than I was thinking of!

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