Comments on: More rough work Random tangents Mon, 08 Jun 2020 21:37:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Dennehy Mon, 08 Jun 2020 21:37:47 +0000 Never had luck with tomatos here Ken, even in a conservatory. Chillis and bell peppers sure, but tomatos in our climate are a little finicky. Or at least, a little more than I could cope with. But with brambles the main task is to fight them off when they try to take over everything like delicious triffids.

By: Gav Tue, 02 Jun 2020 11:53:56 +0000 And the cutting of corners is universal I’m afraid. I have been to many jobs where the primary issue is the incorrect fixings used with the incorrect corrosion resistance. Yes, sometimes both, occasionally the corrosion rating is correct but a metal fixing screw has been driven into timber for instance. Doesn’t hold the same. The latest issue are the various treatments of external timber requiring different grade fixings . Heck, at least the planter you made can be composted if it rots out with ill effect and it serves a purpose and I bet it is stronger . The amount of plastic used here that becomes a problem to deal with after a year, or a day, is huge. Just finished the seasonal marmalade production from all the damaged citrus. You get funny looks when you buy one bag of coffee and 10kilos of sugar ? My Mum’s tree is nothing if not prolific.

By: kmhatch Tue, 02 Jun 2020 07:28:24 +0000 Mark,

“So now we wait and either everything will die or we’ll have jam in a few weeks…” So true, except for me it is home grown tomatoes. I’m having my first garden now that I’ve retired. Always before I’ve never been home or had the time to grow things. even if every plant dies in the Arizona sun before making a single tomato it has been enjoyable.

Speaking of Blackberry’s, one of my fondest memories is of driving MsBubba to our new home in Oregon from Texas. Shortly after crossing the Oregon border she was jumping up and down in her seat exclaiming “brambles, brambles”. Needless to say we stopped and had a roadside snack of Blackberries.

Be safe and good luck with your garden,

