Comments on: Hunkering down. Random tangents Mon, 23 Mar 2020 19:37:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Dennehy Mon, 23 Mar 2020 19:37:49 +0000 Ah, but it is metric 😀
We got rid of the inch standard in the 1850s so everyone’s been on the metric standard for the last 170 years even if they were using one-thirty-ninth’s of a metre instead of one-hundreth of a metre 😀

By: Sylvain Thu, 19 Mar 2020 10:14:20 +0000 – After WWI (and Spanish flu), the system has been much more redistributive for a while. Unfortunately with Reagan and Thatcher, the “invisible hand”-religion proselytism by the “Chicago boys”, and the collapse of the East block, politicians have gone back to before-WWI property, inheritance and income taxing practices.
Recommended reading: Thomas Piketty “Capital and ideology” – Harvard university press

– But,…, but, this caliper is not metric!

