fork()ing and fstat()ing in JRuby using FFI on linux

Sometimes, $DAYJOB can get kindof technical. For reasons I won’t go into here because NDA, the following axioms are true for this puzzle:

  • we have to work in JRuby
  • we are in a plugin within a larger framework providing a service
  • we have to restart the entire service
  • we don’t have a programmatic way to do so
  • we don’t want to rely on external artifacts and cron

Now, this isn’t the initial framing set of axioms you understand; this is what we’re facing into after a few weeks of trying everything else first.

So; obvious solution, system('/etc/init.d/ourService restart').
Except that JRuby doesn’t do system(). Or fork(), exec(), daemon(), or indeed any kind of process duplication I could find. Oh-kay, so we can write to a file, have a cronjob watch for the file and restart the service and delete the file if it finds it. Except that for Reasons (again, NDA), that’s not possible because we can’t rely on having access to cron on all platforms.

Okay. Can we cheat?

Well, yes… allegedly. We can use the Foreign Function Interface to bind to libc and access the functions behind JRuby’s back.

require 'ffi'

module Exec
   extend FFI::Library

   attach_function :my_exec, :execl, [:string, :string, :varargs], :int
   attach_function :fork, [], :int

vim1 = '/usr/bin/vim'
vim2 = 'vim'
if Exec.fork == 0
   Exec.my_exec vim1, vim2, :pointer, nil


Of course, I’m intending to kill the thing that fires this off, so a little more care is needed. For a start, it’s not vim I’m playing with. So…

module LibC
   extend FFI::Library

   ffi_lib FFI::Library::LIBC

   # Timespec struct datatype
      class Timespec < FFI::Struct
      layout :tv_sec, :time_t,
      :tv_nsec, :long

   # stat struct datatype
   # (see /usr/include/sys/stat.h and /usr/include/bits/stat.h)
   class Stat < FFI::Struct
      layout :st_dev, :dev_t,
             :st_ino, :ino_t,
             :st_nlink, :nlink_t,
             :st_mode, :mode_t,
             :st_uid, :uid_t,
             :st_gid, :gid_t,
             :__pad0, :int,
             :st_rdev, :dev_t,
             :st_size, :off_t,
             :st_blksize, :long,
             :st_blocks, :long,
             :st_atimespec, LibC::Timespec,
             :st_mtimespec, LibC::Timespec,
             :st_ctimespec, LibC::Timespec,
             :__unused0, :long,
             :__unused1, :long,
             :__unused2, :long,
             :__unused3, :long,
             :__unused4, :long

   # Filetype mask
   S_IFMT = 0o170000

   # File types.
   S_IFIFO = 0o010000
   S_IFCHR = 0o020000
   S_IFDIR = 0o040000
   S_IFBLK = 0o060000
   S_IFREG = 0o100000
   S_IFLNK = 0o120000
   S_IFSOCK = 0o140000

   attach_function :getpid, [], :pid_t
   attach_function :setsid, [], :pid_t
   attach_function :fork, [], :int
   attach_function :execl, [:string, :string, :string, :varargs], :int
   attach_function :chdir, [:string], :int
   attach_function :close, [:int], :int
   attach_function :fstat, :__fxstat, [:int, :int, :pointer], :int

So that’s bound a bunch of libc functions for use in JRuby. But why __fxstat() instead of fstat()? Interesting detail; the stat() function family aren’t in libc, at least not on most modern linux platforms. They’re in a small static library (libc_unshared.a in centOS). There’s usually a linker directive that makes that transparent but here we’re acting behind the scenes so we don’t get that niceity so we directly access the underlying xstat() functions instead.

I need to close some network ports (or the restart goes badly because the child process inherits the ports’ file descriptors and someone didn’t set them to close on exec()). A small helper function is useful here:

# Helper function to check if a file descriptor is a socket or not
def socket?(fd)
   # data structure to hold the stat_t data
   stat =

   # JRuby's IO object types can't seem get a grip on fd's inherited from
   # another process correctly in a forked child process so we have
   # to FFI out to libc.
   rc = LibC.fstat(0, fd, stat.pointer)
   if rc == -1
      errno = FFI::LastError.error
      # Now we do some bit twiddling. In Octal, no less.
      filetype = stat[:st_mode] & LibC::S_IFMT

      if filetype == LibC::S_IFSOCK
rescue => e

And now the actual restart function itself:

def restart
   pid = LibC.getpid
   rc = LibC.chdir('/')
   if rc == -1
      errno = FFI::LastError.error
      return errno

   # close any open network sockets so the restart doesn't hang
   fds = Dir.entries("/proc/#{pid}/fd")
   fds.each do |fd|
      # skip . and .. which we pick up because of the /proc approach to
      # getting the list of file descriptors
      next if

      # skip any non-network socket file descriptors as they're not going to
      # cause us any issues and leaving them lets us log a little longer.
      next unless socket?(fd.to_i)

      # JRuby's IO objects can't get a handle on these fd's for some reason,
      # possibly because we're in a child process. So we use libc's close()
      rc = LibC.close(fd.to_i)
      next if
      errno = FFI::LastError.error
      return errno

   # We're now ready to fork and restart the service
   rc = LibC.fork
   if rc == -1
      # If fork() failed we're probably in a world of hurt
      errno = FFI::LastError.error
      return errno
      # We are now the daemon. We can't hang about (thanks to 
      # JRuby's un-thread-safe nature) so we immediately swap out our 
      # process image with that of the service restart script. 
      # This marks the end of execution of this thread and there is no return.
      LibC.execl '/etc/init.d/ourService', 'ourService', 'restart', :pointer, nil
rescue => e
# Handle errors here (removed for clarity)

An interesting problem to solve, this one. And by “interesting” I mean “similar to learning how to pull teeth while only able to access the mouth via the nose”. But in case it’s of use to someone…

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