Comments on: Off the shelf… Random tangents Mon, 19 Jun 2017 20:32:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: ralph boumenot Mon, 19 Jun 2017 20:32:15 +0000 Nicely done Sparks. I especially like how the front of the shelf wraps around the ends. That is something I will try to do on my next one. The half blinds for the rails works too for me and they are easier than chopping 6 blind mortises. I like your take on my shelf and it’s given me a few ideas for my next one. As for the figure, once it is full of books, you won’t be able to see the figure anyways. I think that would be best used on the outside of the ends.

By: Peter Dennehy Sun, 18 Jun 2017 21:41:47 +0000 Many Thanks |Mark,
It is perfect and will be a great help in keeping my manuals and books for next year all in one accessible place. Fits perfectly on my desk and is an excellent piece of craftsmanship.
