Comments on: Using VimWiki as a distributed, encrypted lab notebook for programming Random tangents Tue, 23 Jan 2018 20:07:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ra Tue, 23 Jan 2018 20:07:09 +0000 What a brillant setup and helpful article. Thank you.

By: shivam Wed, 10 Dec 2014 23:06:43 +0000 Have you tried Zim wiki with Truecrypt for encryption? Zim wiki is already a pretty cool knowledge management tool designed for nerds. Couple it with truecrypt and you got a beast.


By: Fox Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:32:48 +0000 It was only after I posted the question I noticed you are using eCryptFs and not EncFs as I initially miss-read.

It is a great setup, if you own the hardware on all involved machines. I am doing something similar with Encfs, since I don’t own all the machines, just accounts on some of them.

By: Mark Dennehy Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:01:17 +0000 In reply to Fox.

I sync the decrypted files using DVCS (Mercurial to be exact) but over SSH links and the files are being encrypted at a layer below the DVCS level (either that portion of the filesystem or the entire hard drive is encrypted below the normal open()/read()/write()/close() API level so it’s transparent to the DVCS). End result is that Mercurial never has to worry about encryption but the files remain secure and encrypted at all times anyway, even when content is in flight between machines).

By: Fox Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:08:24 +0000 Do you synchronise the decrypted files with DVCS? Or is you encrypted directory within your ~/vimwiki folder?

Im confused that the mercurial commands seem to be executed within the vimwiki’s directory

By: Mark Dennehy Mon, 02 Sep 2013 12:07:45 +0000 The thing with the doodles, the diagrams and so on – it’s speed. There just aren’t any software packages that are as fast or as flexible as paper is for that kind of thing, not yet.

By: Alex Sun, 01 Sep 2013 02:03:37 +0000 I ve been using vimwiki recently and is great.

As for the doodles and drawings thing, you could use another software for that and just insert the resulting image via local file or url into the vimwiki.

Regarding the cornell thing… you can create auto formatted tables using vimwiki-tables

Distribution … you could use btsync, a decentralized way of syncing files and folders with encrypted communications included.

By: Ikram Thu, 06 Dec 2012 06:18:36 +0000 Very cool to see you are using GVIM for Powershell scripting. Syntax hightighling using Peter Norvost’s plugins works great. I use the vibrantink color scheme myself. Your scheme is pretty cool too.Curious though .do you have omnifunc (auto-completion) working? If so, how? I think it would be very cool to have powertab like auto-completion for powershell scripts. Using the VIM supertab plugin, I have it working for everything but powershell scripts. When I try to use it, it says something to the effect of omnifunc is not set (but as I mentioned, I only see this for .PS1 files).CK

By: Alex Lovell-Troy Mon, 03 Dec 2012 19:09:01 +0000 I took a stab at this with macvim and OSX LaunchAgents too. Neat Idea.

By: Mark Dennehy Fri, 30 Nov 2012 10:16:24 +0000 In reply to Andrea Schiavini.

No, dropbox would work (and a lot of vimwiki users use it for this); but like I’ve been saying on HN, dropbox is cloud storage, and like I’ve been saying, cloud storage and EU/US law and NDAs just make a big hairy mess that I don’t want to play with:
