Comments on: Silently banned from Reddit… Random tangents Thu, 20 Sep 2018 21:28:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Johnny Thu, 20 Sep 2018 21:28:03 +0000 Hacker News is now doing the same thing. They’re way more meticulous than Reddit too because these are way fewer comments to look through.

By: Martin Timothy Tue, 14 Oct 2014 00:34:07 +0000 Hi,

I have 137 Reddit accounts all of which are shadow banned, new accounts I make from home are instantly S/B’d before a single post.

The new ones I register from i’net cafes and from the local library, are S/B’s as soon as I hit the registration link.

Q: Are you aware of any way I can register and post onto Reddit without giving away my ip or web address .. some ppl have suggested TOR.

Martin Timothy, Brisbane Au.

By: Brian Mon, 18 Aug 2014 15:33:42 +0000 Well, the only way this will end, is in tears. We can help this along by amplifying the effect. I would urge you to report every single comment you disagree with. Once we are regularly getting 1000’s of other Reddit users banned, then the system will naturally disintegrate, hopefully to be replaced by something better. Spammers are a real problem, so I understand the need to deal with them, but as always with humans, power corrupts. It’s the same on Wikipedia – you can’t do anything there without running into wiki-lawyers immediately, some of whom are paid to sit there arguing all day, and getting their friends to back them up.

By: Dirk Wed, 05 Feb 2014 06:40:56 +0000 Yeah, being shadowbanned isn’t nice. Especially since you aren’t notified and don’t spam. If spamming means posting the odd link every few days/weeks then my understanding of spam is wrong. Nevertheless, if anyone is looking for a tech blog friendly curation site (Reddit isn’t that) where you can share quality content with the community of IT folks, consider Curah (

By: Sterquilinus Fri, 10 Jan 2014 20:53:19 +0000 I agree with the other people who have claimed that Reddit is corrupt, this shadowban is part of a wall they built to hide their corruption, particularly their commercially and politically motivated censorship.

Reddit has become what it claims to hate.

By: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 04:02:50 +0000 got banned recently for posting awesome content, but there is nothing that sends as much traffic as reddit.. there should be an alternative to reddit

By: pone Fri, 04 Oct 2013 09:12:33 +0000 The problem with Reddit is gangs of potty mouth trolls who destroy all value in the site by ganging up and replying with extremely rude and inappropriate comments. Any attempt to respond in any fashion gets met with downvotes.

Shadowbanning is simply the obscene and unjust practice of banning people based on failed automation and reporting practices instead of using any kind of due process or real active moderation.

Most people don’t know for example that on Twitter, accounts with less than about 500 Followers are shadowbanned from discussions with celebrities!!!! Twitter deliberately deceives you and makes you believe your post is in a public view. Log out of Twitter and your contribution to the conversation disappears. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ON TWITTER ARE BEING LIED TO. They are basically typing their opinions into thin air and not being seen when they post to a large celebrity thread.

What you describe on Reddit sounds like what is typical on all of these sites. The Trolls know the system and how it works better than the respectful users who post real content. The Trolls go to war with you and mis-use all of their knowledge to get you taken out.

By: slang Thu, 03 Oct 2013 01:35:35 +0000 There are lots of spammers. They come in mainly on the top pages you see before you log on. For those it is a good system.

But for the long term user, it sucks. There is a sub called /r/shadowban where supposedly you can question your ban. Since I have learned of it, it seems no one answers. It’s like a pacifier to make you go away.

Reddit used not to be like this. But when Digg shut down, all the 4chan folks came with their cat memes and what have you and it went down hill from there.

Yah, it sucks being shadowbanned when you don’t deserve it. It sucks that some little a**hole can put your account in jeopardy just because he’s a smartaleck and doesn’t really have a valid reason beyond some sort of imagined slight.

I’ve been there a long time. Should I get shadowbanned, I will not go make a new account. It will be the end of reddit as far as I am concerned. It’s a poor way to treat long term members.

By: Tell it like it is Mon, 18 Feb 2013 17:46:20 +0000 Shadow-banning was invented on Topix, one of the co-founders of Topix is Rich Skrenta, a hacker and computer geek, who invented the Elk Cloner – later named Malware – virus in high school.

It is an extremely unethical method of censorship, you see your comments, no one else does. A poster can post for many days before realizing their comments are not seen.

No one should practice it.

By: Froy Wed, 19 Dec 2012 12:55:27 +0000 I’ve been shadow banned for a week and I just found out, but I can’t find exactly where is the accusation, or the conversation discussing it. The subreddit to report spammers only shows submissions from the previous 2 days, so I won’t find it there, and the search option doesn’t come up with anything when I search for my account name. How can you investigate it?
