Comments on: Moon Random tangents Wed, 15 Aug 2012 01:14:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Orlando Wed, 15 Aug 2012 01:14:47 +0000 I agree with the plot holes exposed here, but I only have to thank this movie because it’s hard to find science fiction with no chasing scenes or irrational violence with guns. Sadly the plot chosen for this movie was not a good SF story.

Great review anyway.

By: Richie Wed, 29 Jul 2009 00:09:14 +0000 I posted this somewhere else, but I thought it would’ve tied up a couple of the holes up and made for a more satisfyingly dark ending if we discovered at the end that instead of the whole thing being down to the greed of a stereotypical evil mega-corporation, it turns out that the leaders of all Earth nations are ‘in on it’ and a decision was taken years ago to sacrifice clones rather than to use ‘real’ humans due to the work being inherently dangerous (meaning that radiation, or some by-product of the helium extraction process, was causing the clones to die after 3 years, as opposed to it being just some sort of built-in redundancy). I did wonder alright about 1. why they need any humans up there when they have an apparently sentient computer with human-level reasoning abilities and 2. how he survives the journey back to Earth in a cargo capsule with presumably very little oxygen or shielding to protect living creatures from temperature\radiation etc. I did still think it was a good enough film to make it worth overlooking these faults though, and I found the model-based space scenes charming.

By: Jean-Philippe Daigle Mon, 27 Jul 2009 22:55:58 +0000 Excellent review and round-up of the story’s weak points. You covered pretty much every oversight that bugged me so much. I liked this flick overall, but had trouble enjoying it some of the time because of how hard it is to shut up that little voice that keeps repeating “It should be SO MUCH cheaper to just pay actual workers than to mess with this army of clones stuff.”

One thing you left out is how ridiculous it was for the station to ever be built with perfectly functional communications equipment in the first place, then install radio jammers outdoors. Then helpfully supply a portable radio (with a 380000 Km range? or did they explain if the portable radio relayed through the ‘broken’ satellite?) on top of all that. The company’s only requirement was for the robot to be able to phone home, so there was no need to ever build 2-way comms a human could operate.
