Comments on: Emacs Random tangents Sat, 17 Jan 2009 08:01:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: mario5brothers5 Sat, 17 Jan 2009 08:01:18 +0000 That bomberman game was prob intense with let the bodies hit the floor song in the background

By: Mark Dennehy Thu, 26 Jun 2008 17:23:24 +0000 I’m *seriously* getting annoyed at all the work I have to do with emacs before I can get any work done on, well, my work. I thought a straight ubuntu install would be grand, but I’m finding that all the things that I’d use in emacs are taking a lot of work just to get running. Completion, version control, fonts, colours, the works. All of them require you to invest time to customize the system to you before you can use it (I can’t use M-TAB for completion in php-mode because it’s a KDE key to change apps, for example).

I’m *this* close to calling the whole thing off, I swear.

By: Mark Dennehy Thu, 26 Jun 2008 16:17:50 +0000 Argh! I thought that was going to be the answer to my problems Daniel, but it seems the zenburn I love in gvim is not the zenburn for emacs 🙁

By: Daniel Brockman Thu, 26 Jun 2008 16:07:20 +0000 Well, it ate the URL. Here it is:

By: Daniel Brockman Thu, 26 Jun 2008 16:06:50 +0000 Mark, check out .

It’s so weird that I randomly stumbled onto this page a mere week after you posted this…

By: Mark Dennehy Wed, 25 Jun 2008 09:37:16 +0000 Gah.
:set nu versus finding linum.el, downloading it, creating .emacs.d/elisp and adding it to the load path, then (require ‘linum) and (global-linum-mode 1)
I mean seriously, that’s not a very user-friendly way of doing stuff. Even if your user’s not clueless.

By: Mark Dennehy Mon, 23 Jun 2008 14:55:58 +0000 More updates:
As tutorials go, the emacs tutorial is pretty decent.

I’ve given up on fonts and colours and am sticking with the lisp machine font and the “Charcoal Black” theme for now. Zenburn it ain’t, and I miss Inconsolata, but it’ll do for now.

I’ve started a .emacs file with some basic stuff.

I still haven’t gotten used to not having a command *and* an insert mode.

By: MD Sat, 21 Jun 2008 12:27:05 +0000 How can one live without Ctrl-P? 🙂

By: Mark Dennehy Thu, 19 Jun 2008 19:44:27 +0000 And how long before my fingers stop typing Esc-C-x instead of C-x I wonder?

By: Mark Dennehy Thu, 19 Jun 2008 19:43:48 +0000 I figure here’s as good a place to log small notes about my progress by the way, so:

Fonts. What the bloody heck? I have to get an emacs development snapshot for reasonable fonts? Or M-x set-font-default blah? Come on, there has to be an easier way than this. At least the color themes have a menu to choose from (and this is a good place to use a menu bar, btw, I might never use the thing in vim at all, except for picking fonts/colors when I feel like a change.

On color schemes, has zenburn been translated to an emacs color scheme?

I will say, by the way, that after an unreasonable amount of time wrestling with the fonts in emacs, I am rather happy with the lisp machine font from here. So much so that it’s now my default vim font too 😀
