Xdebug 2.0 released

Hmmm. First PHP application programmers start GoPHP5.org, then the php core team announces the EOL for PHP4, then namespaces get added into PHP6, and now Xdebug 2.0 is finally released. It’s not quite the precambrian, but it’s definitely been a busy few days!

Xdebug, for those of you who prefer to debug PHP code using echo and var_dump(), is a bloody lovely zend extension for php that lets you get proper debugging information for when stuff goes pear-shaped (excuse the pun). From the official announcement:

It is finally here, Xdebug 2.0.0 has arrived! After about four years of work I finally found it ready to release. Have fun! After almost four years of work, Xdebug 2 is finally ready. With improved functionality and many new features it is ready to totally change the way you develop in PHP. Some of the new features and updates include improved stack traces, execution traces to files, code coverage analysis and much improved remote debugging support. Xdebug’s documentation has also been rewritten for more clarity.

I’m leaving it for Monday to install at work, but I’m going to check the installation goes okay at home over the weekend. Finally getting function traces without having to call PEAR::Log every five microseconds? Yes please! And nicely timed just before a bout of dev work in the office too


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